How often do you reconcile your bank statement? Kind of a weird question, huh? Well. let me go deeper:

How often do you reconcile…your life?

As a numbers guy who spent years in banking, accounting and business management, I have always reconciled my bank statement monthly. Without fail. Always within a day or two of receiving it.

When banking went online, I would basically reconcile my account every day. Yes, that is rather nerdy, but, hey, what did you expect from a detail-oriented guy?

You can imagine my shock and horror when I married my wife almost 18 years ago, when she said that she basically NEVER reconciled her statement. Many months she would not even open it! (Once she told me that – and I regained consciousness – I recalled that, when I was in banking a couple of years prior to meeting her, I learned that 52% of Americans never opened their statement either.)

Today I want to discuss reconciliations, but in a deeper sense. Ask yourself: “How often do I reconcile…

– my Faith Walk?
– my Relationships?
– my Money issues?
– my Career?
– my Health?”

Why in the world would we spend time every month going through the process of reconciling our bank statements, but spend little-to-no time reconciling these other areas?

Maybe it is because you never had anyone ask you that before.

I would advise everyone who is reading this article to spend some time TODAY asking themselves these questions…and answering them as well.

So, have you ever thought about improving your Health? If so, great. Are you following through and doing something about it on a daily basis?

Are you truly working on improving your Faith Walk each day, or are you kidding yourself by saying something like, “I will get to that when I am older?”

Are you “staying current” in all your key Relationships with your spouse, your children, your parents? (I discuss this further in my book.)

Give these words some serious thought today, and then take action. Figure out a way to reconcile these 5 areas of your life, and you will find yourself living a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life.

Go forth and Reconcile!

(If you would like some help in this area, I truly believe that my book may be able to bless you.)