Here is the second part of my two-part series on Time Management Tips. In my last post, I discussed the benefits of using Hanging Folders, as well as using a Planner that has prioritized task lists and an accountability partner. Here are my next two favorite tips to share:

#3 – To-Do List – with a twist

If you have been a resident of planet Earth for at least ten minutes, you have probably heard about the importance of having a To-Do List. What you may not have heard, however, is what I am about to tell you.

I will admit that the process I am about to discuss takes some time – to begin. However, once you set it up, it actually takes very little time to maintain. I would suggest that you do this toward the end of your work day for a list of job-related tasks, and on a Sunday afternoon for your personal list of tasks. Here is the process:

– Create a Master List of everything you have to do. Feel free
to create two lists if you like: one for work, and one for your
personal life. I know this sounds cumbersome, but you will
not believe how great you will feel when you finally put all
your tasks down on paper!
– Transfer each task onto a separate piece of paper. I started
doing this years ago at work, when I had access to a lot of
letter-sized sheets of scrap paper, so I used those. Many
times now I suggest that people use Index Cards, as they are
much smaller. cheaper, and are more environment-friendly.
– Once you have all of your tasks on separate cards, lay them
out in front of you. In my case, I covered most of my office
floor with those sheets of paper.
– Look at all the tasks, then ask yourself, “If I only had enough
time tomorrow to do ONE TASK, which would it be?” Pick up
that index card, and place it upside down on your desk. Once
you do that, Repeat, until all the cards are lying on your desk
upside down.
– Pick up the pile of cards, and turn it over. What you see in
front of you is a Prioritized List of every task on your list. Place
the top card on your desk, so that you will see it when you walk
into your office tomorrow morning. Place all the other cards in
a drawer out of sight. (Make sure that you use a rubber band
so that they do not get out of order.)

When you do this, here is your new Reality. When you walk into work the next day, all you see is the most important thing you have to do all day. All other tasks are put away, so you can really focus on getting the most important thing done. Once you complete that, you open your drawer and pull out the next card that is on top of the pile. You continue doing this until close to quitting time. Then you pull out the cards, add more items that came up during the day, and repeat the process of prioritizing the tasks. Sometimes the new tasks from today will need to go toward the top of the pile.

#4 – Overcome your Mountain of Fear

In my book, I discuss the concept of this Mountain. I feel strongly that ALL of us – at some level – have people (or tasks) in our lives that scare us. It may be that really big potential client whom we are afraid to call. It may be avoiding getting a physical, because we hate getting shots, or because our parents died at an early age. It may be having that hard talk with a spouse about how we need marriage counseling. Whatever (or Whoever) is on top of your Mountain of Fear, don’t you think it is time to deal with it? I had this epiphany when I was building a Network Marketing business. I consistently put off calling the sharpest prospect on my list because his success in life intimidated me. When I finally decided to call him, I was on Cloud Nine after the call. I had overcome my fear! I had knocked that man off the top of my personal Mountain of Fear. As a result, every call I made afterwards was a piece of cake by comparison. Decide TODAY to knock that task or person off the top of your Mountain. You will feel absolutely amazing after you do!

(If you would like some help in this area, I truly believe that my book may be able to bless you. Go to to learn more.)

Scott Kimbro Teaches Teaching Things That Matter to People Who Care Buy the Book SubmUrgency: How to Live – and Die – Without Regret Available in paperback and digital form SubmUrgency There are three types of Urgencies: Obvious,…