Many years ago, I learned the importance of Personal Development. I discovered that I could participate in it, even when I was not building my part time business – either due to fear, lack of time. or both. I became hungry to become a better version of myself. I started reading books, listening to cassette tapes (and later CD’s), as well as watching DVD’s that helped me grow personally.

Over time, I started to broaden my learning to trusted thought leaders outside of one industry. I began to learn from Og Mandino, John Maxwell, Brian Tracy and many others. (It was very humbling that many years later, Brian Tracy actually wrote a Testimonial for my book!)

One of the most influential audio series I have ever heard was created years ago by a man named Earl Nightingale. The training was called “The Strangest Secret.” This message was first played for a group of salespeople at Earl’s insurance agency in 1956, but the message is timeless. He will tell you that the Strangest Secret is that “People become what they think about all the time.” (The only exception that I have ever seen to that truth happened when I was a teenage boy: when all I ever thought about was teenage girls!)

My question for you today is this: what do YOU think about all the time? Is it your hopes, dreams, and excitement for your future? Or is it what scares you about your present situation, your unknown future, and your fear of Failure/People/Rejection? It is amazing that – in most situations – you will receive what you expect. If you go around thinking about how much people want to be around you, learn from you, and be in business with you, you will become much more successful. If you go around with the attitude that nobody wants what you have to offer, your business will suffer – and so will YOU!

So, the choice is yours: what will you CHOOSE to think about, all the time, starting today?

I know you will make the right choice!