The Wisdom of Children

As the proud Dad of four living children – and one in Heaven – I have been amazed by some of the words that have come out of my children’s’ mouths. Thankfully, most of the time it has been a good kind of amazement. Years ago, when our youngest...

Step Up First

As an officer of my Toastmasters club, I attended a leadership event over the weekend. One presenter showed a picture of two people on some steps. The one higher on the steps was reaching down to grab the hand of the person below. He had two really good lessons taken...

Saddle Up!

John Wayne once said: “COURAGE is being scared to death…and saddling up anyway.” Are you courageous? Have you ever been “scared to death”, but did the thing anyway? If so, good. If not, today would be a great day to decide to...

Weekend Wisdom

Sometimes Wisdom comes to you from places you do NOT expect. Sometimes Wisdom comes to you from places you DO expect. Rarely do you get BOTH on the same weekend. Last Saturday our daughter’s orthodontist sponsored a free movie for his patients. One of the movie...


GROWTH. Every living thing on this planet is in one of two conditions at all times: they are either Growing, or they are Dying. I have a question for you: Are you Growing? As my club’s Toastmaster at our event last week, I decided that the theme would be...