“What is harmless, but can kill you?


When I wrote the book SubmUrgency: How to Live – and Die – Without Regret I wanted to convey to my readers that NOW matters. I mention that every action ever taken by every person throughout history actually happened at the exact same time:

a time called NOW.

Did you ever stop to think about the fact that you have been dying ever since the moment you took your first breath?

You may be thinking something like, “Gee, Scott, have you been to a lot of funerals recently? All of this sounds pretty morbid.”

No, I have not been to any funerals recently, but I thought that today would be a great day to remind you that time is ticking.

And ticking.

And ticking.

I watched the trailer to a movie a few weeks ago that has been recently released. I believe I mentioned this line from the movie in another post, but it fits perfectly here as well. In the Disney movie titled Christopher Robin, a lady (who I believe is Christopher Robin’s wife) said this to the main character:

“Your life is happening now – right in front of you!”

Many people that I know go through life never thinking about my earlier-mentioned thoughts concerning the brevity of life. As a result, they go through the motions on a daily basis, never stopping to realize that their lives are “happening now right in front of” them.

I bet you have heard this saying before:

“How do you spell Love? T-I-M-E.”

Look, at the end of our lives how many of us are going to hope for one more TV show? For more Doritos? For more shiny new cars?

Methinks that we will all hope for more…Time.

Here is my challenge for you today. I want you to DECIDE to start living your life TODAY as though it were your last.

Make the time to hug and kiss your spouse goodbye – and hello.

Make the time to hug and kiss your children.

Make the time to notice the beautiful sunrise, and sunset.

Make the time to get to know your Creator better.

Make the time to become a better you.

It is time to get serious about Time. I will leave you with a great quote from the football coach Lou Holtz:

“If you’re killing time, it’s not murder.

It’s suicide.

Go forth and live on purpose – beginning NOW.