“PASSION: a powerful force that cannot be stopped.” (Moliere)
Does that describe your life? If not, why not?
Think about it. I bet there was a time in your life when you were passionate about something. It may have been about learning more about a hobby. It may have been about doing well in college. It may have been about your new, exciting career.
What happened? Why did your passion diminish, or disappear altogether? The answer is probably:
Life happened. The hobby went on the shelf. College did not go as planned. The career changed – or maybe YOU DID.
I have some good news for you: That’s OK. It is normal. Most people go through this process at some point in their life.
If you find yourself in this situation, here is my 3-part solution to what ails you.
1 – Have a good cry. Go ahead. I am serious. Sometimes you truly do need to let it all out. Life did not go the way you planned. Feel free to grieve your loss.
2 – Decide what you are going to do about it. Just because life has not gone the way you wanted so far does NOT mean that it cannot be awesome from here.
3 – Go make it happen. I found in my life that there really was a great life ahead of me. Even after divorce. Even after the death of a child. You can go forth and create with God’s Help whatever the two of you determine.
When our now 15-year-old daughter was about four, Mama and I started to teach her about money. She had saved a little bit of money when one day Mama found her digging a hole in her bedroom wall. (I hope she was not trying to escape.)
When I came home from work, I did the Daddy thing by punishing her. She cried – not much during the brief spanking, but a LOT when I told her that I had to take her money to help pay for the repairs to the wall. The really neat, teachable moment came when, while telling Mama about our discussion after her punishment, she smiled and said, “The good news is that Daddy said I get to START OVER AGAIN!”
Here is some truly great news for you:
You get to START OVER AGAIN, too – but without the spanking.
Start TODAY to determine what you want to be passionate about. Then don’t let anyone stop you. You can do it.
I believe in you.