I have a question for you: When are you going to decide to become successful?

That’s right: when are you going to decide? You see, success is a choice. It is not luck. It is not fate. It is not something that happens to you.

It is something that you choose.

Once you make the choice to become successful in your life, then you will find yourself making better decisions for your life. You will be drawn to meeting sharper people. You will become bolder in every aspect of your life. You will consistently look at the brighter side of every situation. You will build your future much more consistently. But first, you must decide.

But when will that be? Once you start working fewer hours each week at your job? Once you feel that you are in perfect health? Once the weather gets cooler/warmer/more Spring-like/more Winter-like? Once you have all your ducks in a row? Wow, I really hope you decide not to wait until those things happen. Do you know why I say that?

Because that day IS NOT COMING.

I do not mean that it is not coming soon. It is not coming…


So, now what are you going to do? If you believe me, and now realize that no such day is ever going to arrive, how in the world are you ever going to succeed?

It is easy: you DECIDE to start becoming successful TODAY. That’s right: today. You do not have to wait on anything – or anyone – to move forward starting today as a better, bolder version of yourself. Yes, I do strongly recommend reading Personal Development books. However, that does not give you a free pass to wait any longer to take action to improve your life.

When will you decide to become successful?

If not now, when?

I know that you will make the correct choice. I believe in you!

(If you would like some help in this area, I truly believe that my book may be able to bless you. Go to www.ScottKimbroTeaches.com to learn more.)

Scott Kimbro Teaches Teaching Things That Matter to People Who Care Buy the Book SubmUrgency: How to Live – and Die – Without Regret Available in paperback and digital form SubmUrgency There are three types of Urgencies: Obvious,…